School education has undergone many changes in the recent years. It is being viewed from global perspective now. Changes are inevitable and as such, it is expected to have a positive outlook.
The world is shrinking in terms of boundaries due to easy access to many countries. Consequently, we see multilingual society practicing hybrid culture. This is the high time that we learn to acclimatize to the changing scenario. To face the challenges of the present time, my first priority is to cultivate a positive, learner centered classroom that focuses on active learning.
Due stress will be given to expose the students to ' hands on activities' to enable them grasp the concepts firmly. Engaging them in group activities will promote harmony in work and conduct. School is the place where finer human traits are honed. Here lies the task of the teachers to get the best possible qualities out of the students through productive interaction and guidance. Our chief concern is to instill among our students a sense of belongingness and commitment towards the society and the nation.
A child groomed properly in the formative years will prove to be an asset for the nation. It is our commitment to all concerned at S.R.D.A.V. Public School for a better learning environment on the campus.
"A satisfied life is better than a successful life because our success is measured by others but our satisfaction is measured by our own, soul, mind and heart". Let us strive together for excellence in quality education.